The Way of the the Markets are a mystery to most . It is always best to first establish a perspective and a Tao (a way) to look and approach such a vast entity.
Developing a perspective of a financial universe so large is akin to
counting the stars in the Milky Way ...So one must take a point of view....
"The universe will always do what it is doing now....
The stock market will always continue to do what it has done.
Nether care if you exist or care if you participate."
Yet,The Universe, Solar System, and Earth exist for All to live....
Therefore,The Markets exist for All to make Money.
Your ability to make money in the markets is no more difficult than living on this gigantic planet in this enormous galaxy. You were born with all the programing to do both.....
There are a few Physical laws we must understand .
Each Week We Shall go to the top of Mt. Nebo and visit the Oracle, "NeboXian"
Market Trader Tao
Lesson 1:
NeboXian"There are Thousands of Stocks , Thousands of Terms And
Thousands of Experts.All designed for and desire to make Money yet desireless of your personal other words... it makes no difference to the
market if you're in or out, make money or lose .It doesn't care if it
knows your name or you know theirs.Yet it exists for one single make
someone MONEYHerein lies the Pivot point the fulcrum if
you will...For every dollar made, there is a dollar lost and for
every buyer, there is a seller.These Two Spring from the the same source... "
and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeacYour ability Yway
Hi Nebo, just wanted to tell you that NEBO in Serb means SKY!
Well, I continue to follow your lessons! We'll see. Have a nice day. Val
Hey is great you have decided to learn stock trading..The principals I use work in any market..if you have questions please leave them in the comments section and i'll answer them as quickly as can you have access to a stock trading practice simulator? if not ....see if you can access the invesopedia link on the blog site...there you can use their funny money to invest. It also dose not hurt so much when you lose ...... you can also go to the stock link to practice reading other charts....both are free can email me at ...I am not sure if the translator will work on email.....give it a try...
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